A Short Note on Social Justice

This is a pro-BLM, pro-social justice, antifascist blog run by a nonbinary Jew. Lolita is an alternative fashion. Wearing alternative fashion while vocally supporting white supremacist power structures is a contradiction in terms: people who aren't antifascist while alternative are just cosplaying badly. Police abolition is kawaii as all hell. Donate to the SPLC. Join a union, participate in a strike, give your buddy $20 bucks. If we're not here for each other, what's even the point?

Religious Imagery in Lolita

Warning: this post is very personal, and very Jewish.

I've always wanted to be the type of lolita who wears Moitie, but there's one big reason that I don't: crosses. There are Moitie pieces out there without crosses, but not many, and the iconic Moitie custom laces feature crosses prominently. Additionally, a lot of their other motifs, like coffins, draw from Christian death customs, which I don't relate to.